Lagosland: US Visa Odyssey of a Nigerian Student
Posted onLast year we wrote about a student visa applicant in Russia going through 7 interviews to receive a US visa. Not to fall behind their brethren in Russia, US consular officials in Nigeria are no slouches in running Nigerian students through the visa gamut, a veritable Lagosland of adventure, obstacles, and consular vengeance. Consider the case of Yvonne. Yvonne comes from a well-to-do family of professionals and is an honors science student at a US university. During her junior year, she was caught shoplifting at a store, with the value of the merchandise less than $100. She was convicted under the state’s 1st time shoplifting statute. When she returned to Nigeria and filled in a visa application, she failed to indicate that she had been cited for shoplifting. The initial consular officer at the consulate in Lagos orally approved the application. Upon discovery of the shoplifting, the same officer called…
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